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Next Generation Of Shop Floor Hardened, Non-Cartesian CMMTrue to Aberlink's heritage for innovation, the Extol is the world's first CMM to utilise a delta mechanism.Designed for robustness and reliability, the Extol CMM will run around the clock making it ideal whether it is positioned next to a machine tool, in a manufacturing cell, or used in a dedicated inspection area.Five temperature sensors monitoring both the machine and ambient temperature ensure that the Extol is capable operating in uncontrolled environments and reporting measurements as though they had been taken at 20°C. The software will also produce a warning should the temperature be changing at a rate that is not conducive with reasonable metrology practice.Robust, accurate and reliable, the Extol CMM is the pe...
The height gauge V9 has been developed for the most demanding users. Laboratories and workshops for whom measuring reliability is determining will fully appreciate its exceptional precision level and its "Swiss Made" finish.Metrological performances have been the core of the development of this height gauge. No compromise on precision and repeatability have been tolerated. This is why some construction details, particularly probe holders differ from other models.The display, based on an entirely tactile interface, offers an ease of use never reached yet on a vertical measuring instrument. The menus and functions displayed obey to a very strict philosophy and design. This allows a great efficiency, even in complex tasks such as programming, 2D mode, angles measurements o...
• Capacitive absolute measuring probes, plunger type• Resolution 0.0001 mm• Measuring range from 5 to 25 mm• Plain bearing or ball bearing, integrated vacuum lifter on P5• Compatible with all Sylvac digital units• Excellent linearity• Interchangeable cables on most types
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Release Time: 2021 - 03 - 22
Release Time: 2018 - 11 - 06
Release Time: 2016 - 06 - 30
Next Generation Of Shop Floor Hardened, Non-Cartesian CMMTrue to Aberlink's heritage for innovation, the Extol is the world's first CMM to utilise a delta mechanism.Designed for robustness and reliability, the Extol CMM will run around the clock making it ideal whether it is positioned next to a machine tool, in a manufacturing cell, or used in a dedicated inspection area.Five temperature sensors monitoring both the machine and ambient temperature ensure that the Extol is capable operating in uncontrolled environments and reporting measurements as though they had been taken at 20°C. The software will also produce a warning should the temperature be changing at a rate that is not conducive with reasonable metrology practice.Robust, accurate and reliable, the Extol CMM is the pe...
Release Time: 2016 - 07 - 04
The height gauge V9 has been developed for the most demanding users. Laboratories and workshops for whom measuring reliability is determining will fully appreciate its exceptional precision level and its "Swiss Made" finish.Metrological performances have been the core of the development of this height gauge. No compromise on precision and repeatability have been tolerated. This is why some construction details, particularly probe holders differ from other models.The display, based on an entirely tactile interface, offers an ease of use never reached yet on a vertical measuring instrument. The menus and functions displayed obey to a very strict philosophy and design. This allows a great efficiency, even in complex tasks such as programming, 2D mode, angles measurements o...
Release Time: 2015 - 10 - 14
• Capacitive absolute measuring probes, plunger type• Resolution 0.0001 mm• Measuring range from 5 to 25 mm• Plain bearing or ball bearing, integrated vacuum lifter on P5• Compatible with all Sylvac digital units• Excellent linearity• Interchangeable cables on most types
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Dantsin Wyler NivelSWISS

Availability: 2021 - 03 - 22
Battery powered electronic inclinometer with analog display on a built-in galvanometer. The remarkable stability of the zero-point makes this instrument particularly suitable for long-term measuring tasks and for adjustment or alignment works on large guideways. The nivelSWISS is mounted in a rugged body of carefully treated cast iron. It is available in two versions:nivelSWISS 50-H HORIZONTAL VERSIONwith a horizontal flat measuring base, equipped with slots for screwing onto special measuring bases (i.e. granite measuring bases) or on customers‘ own special measuring equipment. Mainly used for the adjustment or alignment of horizontal machines and for checking the flatness of machine tables and guideways.nivelSWISS 50-W ANGULAR VERSIONequipped with two prismatic measuring ba...
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Battery powered electronic inclinometer with analog display on a built-in galvanometer. The remarkable stability of the zero-point makes this instrument particularly suitable for long-term measuring tasks and for adjustment or alignment works on large guideways. The nivelSWISS is mounted in a rugged body of carefully treated cast iron.


It is available in two versions:


with a horizontal flat measuring base, equipped with slots for screwing onto special measuring bases (i.e. granite measuring bases) or on customers‘ own special measuring equipment. Mainly used for the adjustment or alignment of horizontal machines and for checking the flatness of machine tables and guideways.


equipped with two prismatic measuring bases in rectangular position to each other for measuring flat surfaces and shafts (diameters Ø 20 ... 120mm) horizontally or vertically. The measuring faces are carefully hand scraped to obtain an extraordinary precision. This makes the instrument extremely suitable for adjustments or checks on rectangular geometrical components of machine tools and structures.


Measuring technique:

Analog measuring technique with inductive probe system. The mechanical pendulum is friction free suspended and has therefore the tendency to swing back to the vertical position. At the lower end of the pendulum a ferrite core is fastened, which is penetrating a double winded coil fed by alternating current.


A software program well-proven in practical use is the WYLER LEVELSOFT PRO FOR GEOMETRICAL MEASUREMENTS, based on ISO 1101, serving for measurements of lines and surfaces and being continuously enhanced according to the require

2024 - 12 - 06
Fine Roughness measurement in WatchmakingDiscover the marriage of tradition and technology in watchmaking, powered by Trimos optical measurement instruments. Uncover how these state-of-the-art tools elevate fine roughness measurement, empowering watchmakers to uphold the highest standards of precision and craftsmanship in every timepiece.
2016 - 07 - 22
How to ensure the quality of the micro system micro-planetary gear? A multi-sensor coordinate measuring machine, a fiber optic probe, and a set of specialized software makes it possible - using the scanning operation can even be quickly and accurately measure the tooth profile surfaces in accordance with the most stringent standards. From -100 ℃ to + 200 ℃ of extreme temperatures, vibration, ...
2016 - 07 - 22
China Railway High-speed (CRH) is launching the new generation of trains using Trimos instruments: the LABCONCEPT Nano and Horizon Premium .CRH is the high-speed rail service operated by China Railway. All high-speed trains in commercial use in China are named CRH. The different models of CRH trains are expected to have a maximum speed of 250 km/h, 350 km/h, 416.6 km/h. The fastest trainset, CRH38...
Release Time: 2018 - 05 - 03
Dantsin-Wyler BlueLevelFor the BlueLEVEL, BlueLEVEL BASIC and MINILEVEL NT measuring instrumentsare various horizontal and angular measuring bases available. Depending on themeasuring tasks, each of them has its specific advantages.Short description of the different options:• Horizontal measuring base, prismatic - for measurements on horizontal surfacesand shafts• Horizontal measuring base, with dust grooves - particularly suitable for flatnessmeasurements on granite, length 150 and longer with 2 through holesfor screwing-on• Angular base made of cast iron, horizontal and vertical flat - for measurementson horizontal and vertical surfaces as well as for measuring the rectangularityof a measuring object• Angular base made of cast iron, horizontal and vertical prismatic - formeasurementson h...
Release Time: 2015 - 10 - 14
The inclination measuring set BlueSYSTEM SIGMA is a continuous further enhancement of the well known and well established inclination measuring instruments MINILEVEL NT. A BlueSYSTEM SIGMA normally consists of two inclination measuring instruments BlueLEVEL and an indicating unit BlueMETER SIGMA. This we call an ENGINEER SET. Depending on the application the BlueMETER SIGMA can also be connected to a PC with evaluation software allowing the on-line evaluation and presentation of the measured values.The ENGINEER SET is the ideal tool for measuring flatness and machines underwork shop conditions. Furthermore, the ENGINEER SET can be used for anylevelling task or analysis of rotations. The ENGINEER SET is specifically adapted to the needs of the metrology specialist taking care of machine too...
Release Time: 2015 - 10 - 07
Withthe introduction of the BlueLEVEL-2D WYLER AG is underlining again its leading position in the field of inclination measuring instruments: The new Blue-LEVEL-2D combines for the first time two high-precision inclination sensors in a compact housing together with an integrated graphical display! This opens new applications and facilitates the alignment of machines and tools substantially: Alignment of machines in 2 directions simultaneouslyAlignment of reference platesPitch and roll measurement on machinesAlignment of cranes, containers, trucks etc.Monitoring of cranes, containers, trucks etc. The inclination measuring instrument BlueLEVEL-2D has the following features: Rugged, rust-protected housing made of aluminiumHigh precision bases with three inserts made of sintered carbide Ø...
Release Time: 2015 - 10 - 14
The compact inclination measuring instrument Clinotronic PLUS provides a measuring capacity of ±45 degrees. Four precisely machined exterior reference surfaces assure accuracy and repeatability of measurements in any quadrant. Selected by push-button, any units suitable for inclination measurement may be applied to the display. Even slope indication based on a relative base of selectable length is possible. Simple push-button operation automatically sets absolute as well as relative zero. The RS485 interface allows the connection to other WYLER instruments or directly to a PC using a special cable. All indicated values are computed prior to display, by interpolation of calibration values stored. If required, an integrated calibration mode may be actuated in order to replace the stored...
Release Time: 2018 - 04 - 07
Dantsin-Wyler BlueClinoThe new BlueCLINO is based on the well-proven CLINO2000 and has the followingfeatures:• With radio data transmission.• Large and very easy-to-read color display• Various color profiles can be chosen• Various display methods such as bar graphs or spirit levels can be chosen• All current units can be indicated• High precision over the entire measuring range of ±10° or ±60° withintegrated temperature compensation• The internal software, together with a reversal measurement, a simple zerosetting• Rugged housing, with prismatic bases made of either aluminum hardanodized or cast iron, nickel plated• The base on the right hand side can be used as a measuring base as well• Built-in cross vial for easy alignment of the vertical axis in order to avoid“twist...
Release Time: 2018 - 04 - 07
Dantsin-Wyler BlueMETER SIGMABlueMETER SIGMA is a further enhancement of the well known BlueMETER, andhas been developed as an intelligent display unit for the electronic inclinationmeasuring instruments• BlueLEVEL• BlueCLINO and BlueCLINO High Precision• MINILEVEL NT and LEVELTRONIC NT (both by means of cables only)• CLINOTRONIC PLUS• ZEROMATIC• ZEROTRONIC-sensorsBesides the excellent measuring accuracy, the measuring instruments BlueLEVEL,BlueCLINO, CLINOTRONIC PLUS and ZEROTRONIC sensors supply a fully digitalsignal for transmitting these values over long distances without any loss of quality.BlueMETER SIGMA is• a display unitand• an interface between instrument and PC/laptopThe following new functions and features distinguish the BlueMETER SIGMAfrom the BlueMETER:• large and very easy-...
Release Time: 2015 - 10 - 14
Battery powered electronic inclinometer with analog display on a built-in galvanometer. The remarkable stability of the zero-point makes this instrument particularly suitable for long-term measuring tasks and for adjustment or alignment works on large guideways. The nivelSWISS is mounted in a rugged body of carefully treated cast iron. It is available in two versions:nivelSWISS 50-H HORIZONTAL VERSIONwith a horizontal flat measuring base, equipped with slots for screwing onto special measuring bases (i.e. granite measuring bases) or on customers‘ own special measuring equipment. Mainly used for the adjustment or alignment of horizontal machines and for checking the flatness of machine tables and guideways.nivelSWISS 50-W ANGULAR VERSIONequipped with two prismatic measuring ba...
Release Time: 2015 - 10 - 14
Theinclination measuring instrument nivelSWISS is well known and well established in the machine tool industry. nivelSWISS-D is the consequentfurther development of the classic nivelSWISS:Stable cast iron bodyErgonomic handle supporting accurate measurement even on vertical surfacesWell-proven measuring systemDigitaldisplay allowing the full utilization of the accuracy of the measuring system. Furthermore, the digital and back-lit display allows excellent readability even under difficult light conditionsThe display can be inclined to allow optimal readability from aboveSimpleintegration into WYLER measuring systems: nivelSWISS-D can be connectedto a PC/laptop with a USB cable. The instrument is powered from the USB-Port. The digital measuring data transmission allows evalution withLEVELS...
Release Time: 2015 - 10 - 14
TheBlueSYSTEM BASIC forms part of the BlueSYSTEM family, the latest generation of electronic inclination measuring instruments and systems. BlueSYSTEM BASIC normally consists of one or two BlueLEVEL BASIC measuring instruments and a display unit BlueMETER BASIC. Depending on the application the BlueMETER BASIC can also be connected to a PC with evaluation software allowing the on-line evaluation and presentation of the measured values. This latest generation of high precision electronic inclination measuring instruments is specifically suitable for the precision measurement of smallest angles. Applications are therefore in particular the measurement of flatness of surface plates or the measurement of the geometry of machine tools. The sensor itself, the heart of every precision measuring i...
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Address: Building 6, Greenland Sailing International, No.9,Yuxi Road, Houshayu, Shunyi District  Beijing 101399, China