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Next Generation Of Shop Floor Hardened, Non-Cartesian CMMTrue to Aberlink's heritage for innovation, the Extol is the world's first CMM to utilise a delta mechanism.Designed for robustness and reliability, the Extol CMM will run around the clock making it ideal whether it is positioned next to a machine tool, in a manufacturing cell, or used in a dedicated inspection area.Five temperature sensors monitoring both the machine and ambient temperature ensure that the Extol is capable operating in uncontrolled environments and reporting measurements as though they had been taken at 20°C. The software will also produce a warning should the temperature be changing at a rate that is not conducive with reasonable metrology practice.Robust, accurate and reliable, the Extol CMM is the pe...
The height gauge V9 has been developed for the most demanding users. Laboratories and workshops for whom measuring reliability is determining will fully appreciate its exceptional precision level and its "Swiss Made" finish.Metrological performances have been the core of the development of this height gauge. No compromise on precision and repeatability have been tolerated. This is why some construction details, particularly probe holders differ from other models.The display, based on an entirely tactile interface, offers an ease of use never reached yet on a vertical measuring instrument. The menus and functions displayed obey to a very strict philosophy and design. This allows a great efficiency, even in complex tasks such as programming, 2D mode, angles measurements o...
• Capacitive absolute measuring probes, plunger type• Resolution 0.0001 mm• Measuring range from 5 to 25 mm• Plain bearing or ball bearing, integrated vacuum lifter on P5• Compatible with all Sylvac digital units• Excellent linearity• Interchangeable cables on most types
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Release Time: 2021 - 03 - 22
Release Time: 2018 - 11 - 06
Release Time: 2016 - 06 - 30
Next Generation Of Shop Floor Hardened, Non-Cartesian CMMTrue to Aberlink's heritage for innovation, the Extol is the world's first CMM to utilise a delta mechanism.Designed for robustness and reliability, the Extol CMM will run around the clock making it ideal whether it is positioned next to a machine tool, in a manufacturing cell, or used in a dedicated inspection area.Five temperature sensors monitoring both the machine and ambient temperature ensure that the Extol is capable operating in uncontrolled environments and reporting measurements as though they had been taken at 20°C. The software will also produce a warning should the temperature be changing at a rate that is not conducive with reasonable metrology practice.Robust, accurate and reliable, the Extol CMM is the pe...
Release Time: 2016 - 07 - 04
The height gauge V9 has been developed for the most demanding users. Laboratories and workshops for whom measuring reliability is determining will fully appreciate its exceptional precision level and its "Swiss Made" finish.Metrological performances have been the core of the development of this height gauge. No compromise on precision and repeatability have been tolerated. This is why some construction details, particularly probe holders differ from other models.The display, based on an entirely tactile interface, offers an ease of use never reached yet on a vertical measuring instrument. The menus and functions displayed obey to a very strict philosophy and design. This allows a great efficiency, even in complex tasks such as programming, 2D mode, angles measurements o...
Release Time: 2015 - 10 - 14
• Capacitive absolute measuring probes, plunger type• Resolution 0.0001 mm• Measuring range from 5 to 25 mm• Plain bearing or ball bearing, integrated vacuum lifter on P5• Compatible with all Sylvac digital units• Excellent linearity• Interchangeable cables on most types
Products Product Details


TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSHorizon Premium5001000150020003000Measuring rangemm (in)550 (21)1050 (41)1550 (61)2050 (80)3050 (120)Resolutionsmm (in)0.01/0.001/0.0001 (.001/.0001/.00001 )Max. displacement speedmm/s1.5Measuring forceN0 ÷ 12Operational temperature°C+10 ÷ +40Temperature of storage°C-10 ÷ +40Relative humidity%20 ÷ 80Weightkg94123152181239
Availability: 2021 - 03 - 22
The HORIZON PREMIUM instruments fulfill today’s requirements of high accuracy quality control equipment in production areas and take into consideration EN ISO 9000 standards.The instruments may be used in a workshop area or installed in a quality control room for checking of measuring gauges and setting of all types of comparative measuring equipment. The well-designed, reliable new concept, obtained by superior engineering, ensures high precision and optimum results by easy manipulation as well as a valuable level of productivity.The modular design allows the selection between two measuring systems: analog signal output and Heidenhain display unit or digital signal output and computer with TFT touch screen and Trimos-WinDHI software.Instruments with a measuring range from 500 to 3000 mm a...
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The HORIZON PREMIUM instruments fulfill today’s requirements of high accuracy quality control equipment in production areas and take into consideration EN ISO 9000 standards.

The instruments may be used in a workshop area or installed in a quality control room for checking of measuring gauges and setting of all types of comparative measuring equipment. The well-designed, reliable new concept, obtained by superior engineering, ensures high precision and optimum results by easy manipulation as well as a valuable level of productivity.

The modular design allows the selection between two measuring systems: analog signal output and Heidenhain display unit or digital signal output and computer with TFT touch screen and Trimos-WinDHI software.

Instruments with a measuring range from 500 to 3000 mm are available, all of them built in one single piece. All measuring ranges being direct, it means that the whole measuring range is available without adjustment or intermediate re-calibration.

  • Ideal for use in laboratory and workshop

  • New ergonomic concept

  • Measuring carriage with fine adjustment

  • Large range of accessories

  • Adjustable measuring force

  • 3 Displays available

  • Modular design

  • Direct measurement over the whole range







Horizon Premium
Measuring range
mm (in)
550 (21)
1050 (41)
1550 (61)
2050 (80)
3050 (120)
Resolutionsmm (in)
0.01/0.001/0.0001 (.001/.0001/.00001 )
Max. displacement speed
Measuring force
N0 ÷ 12
Operational temperature
°C+10 ÷ +40
Temperature of storage
°C-10 ÷ +40
Relative humidity
%20 ÷ 80


2024 - 12 - 06
Fine Roughness measurement in WatchmakingDiscover the marriage of tradition and technology in watchmaking, powered by Trimos optical measurement instruments. Uncover how these state-of-the-art tools elevate fine roughness measurement, empowering watchmakers to uphold the highest standards of precision and craftsmanship in every timepiece.
2016 - 07 - 22
How to ensure the quality of the micro system micro-planetary gear? A multi-sensor coordinate measuring machine, a fiber optic probe, and a set of specialized software makes it possible - using the scanning operation can even be quickly and accurately measure the tooth profile surfaces in accordance with the most stringent standards. From -100 ℃ to + 200 ℃ of extreme temperatures, vibration, ...
2016 - 07 - 22
China Railway High-speed (CRH) is launching the new generation of trains using Trimos instruments: the LABCONCEPT Nano and Horizon Premium .CRH is the high-speed rail service operated by China Railway. All high-speed trains in commercial use in China are named CRH. The different models of CRH trains are expected to have a maximum speed of 250 km/h, 350 km/h, 416.6 km/h. The fastest trainset, CRH38...
Release Time: 2015 - 10 - 15
The Labconcept Nano is a new reference in the field of dimensional metrology. It integrates 40 years of knowledge and continuous improvement. It is a remarkable instrument for all measuring tasks that require extremely high accuracy. The uncompromising design of the Labconcept Nano offers an ideal and performing platform for checking and calibration of all kinds of gauges and measuring instruments. Checking of internal and external dimensions will be done as a fully automatic procedure by the three motorized axes XYZ and the legendary simplicity of use of Trimos WinDHI software. The Labconcept Nano is completely designed and manufactured in Switzerland according to the highest quality standards. Robustness, reliability and longevity are our traditional values. The Labconcept Nano combines ...
Release Time: 2015 - 10 - 15
The «Horizon» instruments respond to the current requirements for quality inspection in manufacturing areas. They allow a quick, precise checking and setting. The instruments are perfect for setting all kinds of comparative measuring equipment and for checking length, internal and external diameters, thread gauges etc. The new innovative concept with incorporated measuring system and display unit ensures excellent results by easy manipulation and is the answer to various demands in the field of production. Simplicity of use is an additional valuable advantage. The instrument range comprises several models, from 500 mm up to 2000 mm (Granite 3000 - 12000 mm). A wide selection of easy interchangeable accessories completes the application possibilities. Ideal for use in the workshop...
Release Time: 2015 - 10 - 15
The horizontal THV instrument has been designed for calibration and certification of gauging equipment of small dimension. It allows easy and precise checking of plug gauges, ring gauges, thread plug gauges, test and dial indicators as well as measuring of high precision production parts. The incorporated opto-electronic measuring system guarantees high accuracy. A separate display unit or a PC with Trimos WinDHI software can be used to display the measurement results. The THV instruments can also be delivered without measuring system. An electronic probe or a dial indicator shall then be used as measuring system. Due to its small size, The THV can be moved easily. It is therefore frequently used as mobile calibration station. Ideal for use in a clean room and in the workshop areaThe instr...
Release Time: 2015 - 10 - 15
The HORIZON PREMIUM instruments fulfill today’s requirements of high accuracy quality control equipment in production areas and take into consideration EN ISO 9000 standards.The instruments may be used in a workshop area or installed in a quality control room for checking of measuring gauges and setting of all types of comparative measuring equipment. The well-designed, reliable new concept, obtained by superior engineering, ensures high precision and optimum results by easy manipulation as well as a valuable level of productivity.The modular design allows the selection between two measuring systems: analog signal output and Heidenhain display unit or digital signal output and computer with TFT touch screen and Trimos-WinDHI software.Instruments with a measuring range from 500 to 3000 mm a...
Release Time: 2015 - 10 - 15
The Mini-Horizontal TELS is the ideal instrument for checking small dimensions. It is part of the horizontal instruments family.The instrument is mainly used for checking internal and external dimensions, such as ring gauges, plug gauges, thread plug gauges and for measuring precision production parts.The reliable concept is easily suitable for the use in workshop environment. An electronic probe and digital display unit or simply a dial indicator can be applied to perform all measurements. The selection of the measuring system depends on the required accuracy.The range for internal measurements from 10 to 100 mm and external measurements from 0 to 100 mm covers a large number of applications. The absolute measuring range is 25 mm and a preset setting is necessary to obtain an entire lengt...
Release Time: 2015 - 10 - 15
The Alesta family is a product that simplifies the setting of 2-point bore gauges. It replaces the traditional way using a lot of different rings. Thanks to innovative adapters, a positioning error will be eliminated and the speed of measurements increased. You just input the dimension into the key board and the required mobile carriage will position itself automatically onto this position. The mobile carriage system will always stay in the desired position even when applying a force on the anvils. The stable granite base combined with a high precision measuring system guarantees excellent measuring results. Using a tolerance table the carriage can be positioned to the selected tolerance range. This table can be tailor-made to customer’s requirements. This product achieves a typical return...
Release Time: 2015 - 10 - 15
TWINNER is a universal instrument for the measurement of cylinder-shaped parts, which replaces a great number of conventional instruments in the workshop. This measuring centre, multifunctional, flexible and mobile, allows to measure and document practically all that is manufactured by turning.This instrument has been specifically developed for the workshop and lends itself perfectly to a use in production, close to the machining centre.TWINNER allows the quality control of sole parts as well as that of small batches. Other areas of use are the control and acceptation of machine tool. All revolution parts can be precisely measured, without adjustment necessary. The range of parts that can be measured spreads over typical turning parts, such as axles, gearbox shafts, camshafts, crankshafts,...
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Address: Building 6, Greenland Sailing International, No.9,Yuxi Road, Houshayu, Shunyi District  Beijing 101399, China