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Next Generation Of Shop Floor Hardened, Non-Cartesian CMMTrue to Aberlink's heritage for innovation, the Extol is the world's first CMM to utilise a delta mechanism.Designed for robustness and reliability, the Extol CMM will run around the clock making it ideal whether it is positioned next to a machine tool, in a manufacturing cell, or used in a dedicated inspection area.Five temperature sensors monitoring both the machine and ambient temperature ensure that the Extol is capable operating in uncontrolled environments and reporting measurements as though they had been taken at 20°C. The software will also produce a warning should the temperature be changing at a rate that is not conducive with reasonable metrology practice.Robust, accurate and reliable, the Extol CMM is the pe...
The height gauge V9 has been developed for the most demanding users. Laboratories and workshops for whom measuring reliability is determining will fully appreciate its exceptional precision level and its "Swiss Made" finish.Metrological performances have been the core of the development of this height gauge. No compromise on precision and repeatability have been tolerated. This is why some construction details, particularly probe holders differ from other models.The display, based on an entirely tactile interface, offers an ease of use never reached yet on a vertical measuring instrument. The menus and functions displayed obey to a very strict philosophy and design. This allows a great efficiency, even in complex tasks such as programming, 2D mode, angles measurements o...
• Capacitive absolute measuring probes, plunger type• Resolution 0.0001 mm• Measuring range from 5 to 25 mm• Plain bearing or ball bearing, integrated vacuum lifter on P5• Compatible with all Sylvac digital units• Excellent linearity• Interchangeable cables on most types
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Release Time: 2021 - 03 - 22
Release Time: 2018 - 11 - 06
Release Time: 2016 - 06 - 30
Next Generation Of Shop Floor Hardened, Non-Cartesian CMMTrue to Aberlink's heritage for innovation, the Extol is the world's first CMM to utilise a delta mechanism.Designed for robustness and reliability, the Extol CMM will run around the clock making it ideal whether it is positioned next to a machine tool, in a manufacturing cell, or used in a dedicated inspection area.Five temperature sensors monitoring both the machine and ambient temperature ensure that the Extol is capable operating in uncontrolled environments and reporting measurements as though they had been taken at 20°C. The software will also produce a warning should the temperature be changing at a rate that is not conducive with reasonable metrology practice.Robust, accurate and reliable, the Extol CMM is the pe...
Release Time: 2016 - 07 - 04
The height gauge V9 has been developed for the most demanding users. Laboratories and workshops for whom measuring reliability is determining will fully appreciate its exceptional precision level and its "Swiss Made" finish.Metrological performances have been the core of the development of this height gauge. No compromise on precision and repeatability have been tolerated. This is why some construction details, particularly probe holders differ from other models.The display, based on an entirely tactile interface, offers an ease of use never reached yet on a vertical measuring instrument. The menus and functions displayed obey to a very strict philosophy and design. This allows a great efficiency, even in complex tasks such as programming, 2D mode, angles measurements o...
Release Time: 2015 - 10 - 14
• Capacitive absolute measuring probes, plunger type• Resolution 0.0001 mm• Measuring range from 5 to 25 mm• Plain bearing or ball bearing, integrated vacuum lifter on P5• Compatible with all Sylvac digital units• Excellent linearity• Interchangeable cables on most types
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Dantsin-Metkon SERVOCUT 302

Dantsin-Metkon SERVOCUT 302
Abrasive cutting
Availability: 2021 - 03 - 22
SERVOCUT 302 is an advanced universal metallographic cutting machine used to cut a very wide range of materials.• Modern and sturdy design• Extraordinary access for easy handling• X-Y-Z three axes cutting capability• Advanced cutting features for difficult workpieces• Programmable with colored HMI touch screen controls• Ergonomic Joystick control offers excellent application versatility• Most versatile metallographic cutting machine in its class
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  SERVOCUT 302 is an advanced universal metallographic cutting machine used to cut a very wide range of materials.

• Modern and sturdy design

• Extraordinary access for easy handling

• X-Y-Z three axes cutting capability

• Advanced cutting features for difficult workpieces

• Programmable with colored HMI touch screen controls

• Ergonomic Joystick control offers excellent application versatility

• Most versatile metallographic cutting machine in its class

Dantsin-Metkon SERVOCUT 302

Dantsin-Metkon SERVOCUT 302

Dantsin-Metkon SERVOCUT 302

2024 - 12 - 06
Fine Roughness measurement in WatchmakingDiscover the marriage of tradition and technology in watchmaking, powered by Trimos optical measurement instruments. Uncover how these state-of-the-art tools elevate fine roughness measurement, empowering watchmakers to uphold the highest standards of precision and craftsmanship in every timepiece.
2016 - 07 - 22
How to ensure the quality of the micro system micro-planetary gear? A multi-sensor coordinate measuring machine, a fiber optic probe, and a set of specialized software makes it possible - using the scanning operation can even be quickly and accurately measure the tooth profile surfaces in accordance with the most stringent standards. From -100 ℃ to + 200 ℃ of extreme temperatures, vibration, ...
2016 - 07 - 22
China Railway High-speed (CRH) is launching the new generation of trains using Trimos instruments: the LABCONCEPT Nano and Horizon Premium .CRH is the high-speed rail service operated by China Railway. All high-speed trains in commercial use in China are named CRH. The different models of CRH trains are expected to have a maximum speed of 250 km/h, 350 km/h, 416.6 km/h. The fastest trainset, CRH38...
Release Time: 2018 - 08 - 06
ACCURA 102 Advanced high end grinding and polishing system, robust construction on dual columns for applications requiring extremely flat specimen surfaces. Suitable for both 250 mm and 300 mm applications. Motorized positioning of the Head in vertical (Z) and horizontal (X) axes with memory function. Precise control of the force applied. Combined Z-axis material removal control system. Ability to store and recall preparation programs on the LCD screen. Efficient control of consumable consumption by integrated Peristaltic Dispensing Unit. Transparent cover forimproved safety and working area.  ENVIRO Recirculating Filtering System  Enviro Filter Unit is a closed loop recirculating filter system which is optionally availa...
Release Time: 2018 - 08 - 06
ECOPRESS 102/202 are high capacity, state of the art automatic mounting presses having advanced software with programmable coloured HMI touch screen controls. Robust bayonet closure allows for quick and safe operation. Wide selection of mould assemblies from 25 to 50 mm in diameter are available. Two mounts can be produced simultaneously with the use of an intermediate ram.   ECOPRESS 202, available with dual cylinder can produce four mounts at a time offering a perfect solution for labs with high specimen throughput.  Powerful Heating Unit1650 W of thermostatically controlled powerfull heating unit to keep the molding times at a minimum.  Intermediate RamAllows to double your throughput with the included ...
Release Time: 2018 - 08 - 07
ELOPREP 102 is an automatic and programmable electrolytic polishing and etching equipment for the preparation of metallographic specimens.• Fully automatic electrolytic polisher / etcher• Programmable with HMI touch screen controls• Automatic determination of polishing and etching voltage• Fast & effective polishing results• Highest safety standards• External Etching Unit• Ability to operate two Polishing & Etching unit from the same control unit• Suitable for both normal and low temperature electrolytic polishing
Release Time: 2018 - 08 - 07
GEOCUT 302  GEOCUT 302 is an Advanced Geological Cutting Machine that is ideal for sectioning of rocks, ceramics, minerals, glass, concrete and geological specimens.• Modern and sturdy design• Extraordinary access for easy handling• Ability to use Ø250/300 mm diamond blade.• Cutting capacity up to 110 mm in diameter.• X-Y Cross table is available as standard for parallel and serial cutting.• Linear Table Feed and Chop Cutting methods• Various Clamping systems available for small to large size or irregular sample shapes.GEOCUT 102  GEOFORM 102 is a bench-top thin sectioning instrument that will cut and grind down to 30 microns or less depending on the hardness of the material because; mineralogical specimens usually contain hard an...
Release Time: 2018 - 08 - 07
UPM 902 Upright Metallurgical MicroscopeIMM 901 Inverted Metallurgical MicroscopeIMM 902 Inverted Metallurgical MicroscopePST 901 Trinocular Stereo Zoom MicroscopePST 902 Trinocular Stereo Zoom MicroscopeIPP 902 Polarization Laboratory Microscope
Release Time: 2018 - 08 - 07
MICRACUT 202 precision cutters are used for precise and deformation-free cutting of Metals, Ceramics, Electronic Components, Crystals, Composites, Biomaterials, Sintered Carbides, Minerals, etc. MICRACUT 202 has its place in virtually any metallurgical, geological, electronics, research, biomedical or industrial laboratory. The applications are endless.· Modern and sturdy design· Extraordinary access for easy handling· Ergonomic joystick control offers excellent application versatility· Programmable with colored HMI touch screen controls· Automatic cut-off wheel positioning· Inbuilt recirculation coolant tank
Release Time: 2018 - 08 - 10
SERVOCUT 302 is an advanced universal metallographic cutting machine used to cut a very wide range of materials.• Modern and sturdy design• Extraordinary access for easy handling• X-Y-Z three axes cutting capability• Advanced cutting features for difficult workpieces• Programmable with colored HMI touch screen controls• Ergonomic Joystick control offers excellent application versatility• Most versatile metallographic cutting machine in its class
Release Time: 2018 - 08 - 10
SPECTRAL MM is designed for automatic sample preparation of OES and XRF analysis. It is fast and efficient in providing high quality specimen surface thus saving time. SPECTRAL MM has advanced techniques and software with programmable HMI touch screen controls increasing the productivity, sample consistency and operator comfort. With the ability to store and recall preparation programs on the LCD screen, same consistent results are obtained. SPECTRAL MM is a perfect choice for milling of all non-ferrous materials. It can also be used for milling steels upto 55 HRC.
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Address:Building  6, Greenland Sailing International, No.9, Yuxi Road, Houshayu, Shunyi District  Beijing 101399,  China
Address: Building 6, Greenland Sailing International, No.9,Yuxi Road, Houshayu, Shunyi District  Beijing 101399, China