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Next Generation Of Shop Floor Hardened, Non-Cartesian CMMTrue to Aberlink's heritage for innovation, the Extol is the world's first CMM to utilise a delta mechanism.Designed for robustness and reliability, the Extol CMM will run around the clock making it ideal whether it is positioned next to a machine tool, in a manufacturing cell, or used in a dedicated inspection area.Five temperature sensors monitoring both the machine and ambient temperature ensure that the Extol is capable operating in uncontrolled environments and reporting measurements as though they had been taken at 20°C. The software will also produce a warning should the temperature be changing at a rate that is not conducive with reasonable metrology practice.Robust, accurate and reliable, the Extol CMM is the pe...
The height gauge V9 has been developed for the most demanding users. Laboratories and workshops for whom measuring reliability is determining will fully appreciate its exceptional precision level and its "Swiss Made" finish.Metrological performances have been the core of the development of this height gauge. No compromise on precision and repeatability have been tolerated. This is why some construction details, particularly probe holders differ from other models.The display, based on an entirely tactile interface, offers an ease of use never reached yet on a vertical measuring instrument. The menus and functions displayed obey to a very strict philosophy and design. This allows a great efficiency, even in complex tasks such as programming, 2D mode, angles measurements o...
• Capacitive absolute measuring probes, plunger type• Resolution 0.0001 mm• Measuring range from 5 to 25 mm• Plain bearing or ball bearing, integrated vacuum lifter on P5• Compatible with all Sylvac digital units• Excellent linearity• Interchangeable cables on most types
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浏览次数: 121
发布时间: 2015 - 10 - 15
In an industrial world where quality control becomes more and more important, Trimos is proud to be able to offer a large range of solutions responding to dimensional measurement needs. Each instrument has its specific application and definitely solves all required tasks. Our products combine high precision, innovation, advanced design and ease of use.Since 1972, Trimos has managed to position itself as the leader in its fields of activity and guarantees a “Swiss Made” manufacturing quality level. Trimos is focused on 3 segments in the dimensional metrology field:Height gaugesHorizontal measuring instrumentsSurface analysis instrumentsWe offer «turnkey» solutions based on the following modular items:InstrumentsLarge range of accessoriesHardwareSoftware and driver programsTrimos d...
浏览次数: 10
发布时间: 2016 - 07 - 25
About JenoptikWe are a globally operating integrated Photonics Group which is present in more than 80 countries. Optical technologies are the very basis of our business. Our customers primarily include companies in the semiconductor equipment, automotive and automotive supplier, medical technology, defense and security as well as the aviation industries.In 2015, we generated approximately 670 million euros revenue with our 3,500 employees. The Jenoptik Group headquarters are located in Jena in the state of Thuringia. Next to our major sites in Germany, we maintain production and assembly sites in Europe, the US, and Asia. JENOPTIK AG is listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and included in the TecDax index.
浏览次数: 16
发布时间: 2016 - 07 - 25
Made in Germanyoptacom develops, manufactures and distributes world-class surface measurement systems since its founding in 1999. These measurement systems allow evaluation of contour, roughness, and roundness in a single pass. A foolproof, fully automatic and extremely rapid calibration as well as an equally rapid, uncomplicated stylus tip replacement constitute the hallmarks of carefully crafted precision systems.Thanks to a broad range of special tracing arms and machine options, e.g., the newly developed rotary-swivel table, even composite or other complicated measuring tasks on complex parts become almost child‘s play. Our products have convinced numerous manufacturing and measurement laboratories worldwide of the quality, robustness and efficiency of our measurement systems.optacom‘s...
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Address: Building 6, Greenland Sailing International, No.9,Yuxi Road, Houshayu, Shunyi District  Beijing 101399, China